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Quinetiam ii sunt indigenarum mores, ut, adveniat modo forma sub pessima morbus, velox et virulentus qualis nusquam alias illico latissime effluat. Licet bene sciant hae gentes, hunc, sicut ejus modi alii morbum per contactum contractum esse illis tamen pestem cujus indies spectantur tantae tamque terribiles offensiones, vitare minime curae est.

If that ain't blackmail, it's a first cousin to it by marriage." "Didn't the Interstate Commerce Commission get wise?" "Certainly not. It looks wise, but it never GETS wise. Oh, believe me, Poultney Illis is hopping mad. I s'pose he's over here now to renew the arrangement for another three years on behalf of his stock-holders. Let's have a dram."

Bacon's own expressions about the state of public opinion in the time of Luther are clear and strong: "Accedebat," says he, "odium et contemptus, illis ipsis temporibus ortus erga Scholasticos." The ancient order of things had been subverted. Some bigots still cherished with devoted loyalty the remembrance of the fallen monarchy, and exerted themselves to effect a restoration.

So far are we governed by the catenations of motions, which affect both the body and the mind of man, and which begin with our irritability, and end with it. Haud equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis Ingenium, aut rerum fato prudentia major. Virg. Georg. I. Instinctive actions defined. Of connate passions. II. Of the sensations and motions of the foetus in the womb.

"Incredible est, Deum illis verbis ad populum fuisse locutum quibus deciperetur," is a verdict in which, for once, Jesuit casuistry concurs with the healthy moral sense of all mankind.

'Pro jucundis aptissima quæque dabunt di; carior est illis homo quam sibi. That thought has left me patient, if not glad, in many a bitter hour.... You are never out of my thoughts." And this letter leads me naturally to the second great principle that pervaded all his writings—"the education of individuals."

The remembrance made him gloomy and silent. "Tempora mutantur," thought he, "nos et mutamur in illis." "Why, how glum you are," said Wildney, patting him on the head. "O no!" said Eric, shaking off unpleasant memories. "Look," he continued, pointing out of the window to change the subject, "what a glorious night it is! Nothing but stars, stars, stars."

"The worlds are chaungde, and men are growne to more wit, and their minds to aspire after more honourable thoughts: they were dunces in diebus illis, they had not the true use of gentility, and therefore they lived meanely and died obscurely: but now mennes capacities are refined.

Illis and the Yukon River lines I couldn't understand just what it was but, anyhow, Murray took advantage of it and saved the North Pass and the S. R. & N. at the same time. It was really a perfectly wonderful stroke of genius. I determined a once that you should stop these lies and correct the general idea that he is in the pay of the Trust.

Neither Persius nor Juvenal was ignorant of this, for they had both studied Horace. And the thing itself is plainly true. But as they had read Horace, they had likewise read Lucilius, of whom Persius says, Secuit urbem; . . . et genuinum fregit in illis; meaning Mutius and Lupus; and Juvenal also mentions him in these words