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"'That friend speaks my mind, said Elnathan, with a half-sanctimonious, half-waggish look, and slight nasal twang. "'Mine too, as devoutly responded a companion, whom he had just brought to assist in the pursuit of the robbers. "The whole family had assembled at the door to watch the motions of the troops.

The poorhouse receded a little from the foreground of his vision as he gazed into the eyes of the boy opposite him at the table. He did not know that his own eyes spoke eloquently of his deliverance, but Elnathan choked as he went on eating. "Now hustle, El!" he commanded one day on his way back to the store.

I wuz in hopes the boys wouldn' hev to go, bein as they wuz a fightin yisdy," quavered old Elnathan Hamlin, as he trotted about, helplessly trying to help, and only hindering Mrs. Hamlin, as with white face, but deft hands, and quick eyes, she was getting her two boys ready, filling their haversacks, sewing a button here, tightening a buckle there, and looking to everything.

The young lady merely nodded. Victor, whose foot was on the step of the car, did not deign to turn. "Thanks," he drawled. "I am er embalmed, I'm sure. All ready, Phil. Let her go, Oscar." The auto moved off. Mr. Colton gave his arm to his daughter and they moved through the crowd, Eldredge acting as master of ceremonies. "It's all right, Elnathan," ordered Sim, addressing the gate-keeper.

"So, what does the tarnal old fool do but unhook the cord so't the bulb could be carried as far as the winder. And he hung it outside, shut the winder down on it, drawed the shade and went to bed in the dark. "Elnathan Spear, the constable, seen the light a-shining outside the winder in the middle of the night and he thought 'twas burglars. He dreams of burglars, Elnathan does.

Then sent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for Jarib, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of understanding.

Elnathan Allen." Wall, Elnathan had got the repairs all made, and the place looked magnificent. Good land! it ort to; the hull place cost more than a million dollars, so I have hearn; I don't say that I am postive knowin' to it. But Barzelia gits things pretty straight; it come to me through her.

And Elnathan, good-natured when he wuz a mind to be, had listened to Jean's story of her sister's woes, with poverty, hungery children, and a drunken husband, and had given this sister two small rooms in one of his tenement housen, and asked so little for them, that they wuz livin' quite comfortable, if anybody could live comfortable, in such a stiflin', nasty spot.

It wuz of 'em on his side this time not like Krit, half hisen and half mine, but clear hisen. Clear Allen, with no Smith at all in the admixture. Proud enough wuz my pardner of him, and of himself too for bein' born his cousin. But tickled wuz he when word come that Elnathan Allen, Esquire, of Menlo Park, California, wuz a-comin' to Jonesville to visit his old friends.

"I'll look after the boy, never fear," said Perez, slapping his brother on the back. "I'll fetch him back a General, as big a man as Squire Woodbridge." "I dunno what 'n time I shall dew 'bout gittin in the crops," whimpered Elnathan. "I can't dew it 'lone, nohow. Seems though my rheumatiz wuz wuss 'n ever, this las' spell o' weather." "There goes Abner Rathbun, and George Fennell," cried Perez.