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"Let her gush!" roared I, as mad as I cood stick at their tarnal nonsense; "let her gush!" Where upon they all sprung back with the simultanious observashun that I was a Beest. "My female friends," sed I, "be4 you leeve, I've a few remarks to remark; wa them well. The female woman is one of the greatest institooshuns of which this land can boste. Its onpossible to get along without her.

Then his glance fell as it were inadvertently in the direction of the house, and he immediately continued with a peculiar spark of animation kindling in his eye; "I've et so many o' them 'tarnal critters, teacher, that I swon if I don't feel like a 'tarnal, long-fingered, sprawlin' shell-fish myself! But it's comin' nigh time for ale-whops.

"On the whole," replied the other, "I guess not. It'll keep all right indoors. And if that hungry cat should come back, the dogs'll smell him and keep up a tarnal barkin' that'll knock our sleep galley-west."

The last branch had hardly swished behind him when, across the pond, the underbrush parted cautiously and Old Wally appeared, trailing a long gun. He had followed scarcely a dozen of the buck's jumps when he looked back and saw me watching him from beside a great maple. "Just a-follerin one o' my tarnal sheep. Strayed off day 'fore yesterday. Hain't seen 'im, hev ye?" he bawled across.

"I think, captain, it's Kirker." "It is Kirker, by the 'tarnal! I seed him down. Wagh! They'll lift his har to a sartinty." "Ay, they'll fish him out below. That's a sure case." "They'll fish out a good haul o' thur own, I reckin. It'll be a tight race, anyhow.

"You pile them boards an' I'll see if I can't loosen up the dirt a mite round this old phlox. Anybody must be a 'tarnal fool to build up a high board-fence an' cut off the sun from things when they're tryin' to grow." Sophy looked timidly at her sister. "I s'pose 'tis foolish to try to have anything if you don't take care on 't," she said.

"'Well, now, that beats me! said Elnathan, as he and his comrades looked at each other in astonishment at the abrupt departure and singular conduct of their guests. "'That are a queer lark, any how! responded John; 'it beats all natur'. ''The Injins, said Ann. 'If that is not Fagan or some of his gang, never trust me! why did you not give them a shot, the 'tarnal thieves?

You've jest about hounded me into havin' this fence put up again." "Why, Mr. Moore! I never said a thing to you about it," cried the girl. "No. But I see ye ev'ry time you go by, and I'm so reminded of the 'tarnal fence that I remember it o' nights. If somebody should fall inter the ditch, ye know.

Go into an Indian village when you will, you will find some of them smoking by the fire. Their ears are so 'tarnal sharp, they can hear sounds that would never catch our ears, not at half the distance. The clink of a couple of pans together, or a stone set rolling by a horse's tread, were it ever so faint, would bring them on their feet directly, especially now they know that a war-party is out."

Ham had been correct in his supposition one of the men was Old Ben, but the other was a stranger. Ben had, no doubt, seen the boys coming, for he stood looking down the trail toward them. When they were a little nearer he saluted them: "Howdy, young'uns. This is a tarnal cold morning for a pair o' city fellers, ain't it?"