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Wall, we all enjoyed havin' Christopher there the best that ever wuz. For he wuz very agreeable, as well as oncommon smart, which two qualities don't always go together, as has often been observed by others, and I have seen for myself. Wall, it wuzn't more than a week or so after Krit arrived and got there, that another relation made his appearance in Jonesville.

Krit give her for his gift a beautiful cross of precious stones, and I mistrusted, from what I see in her face when he gin it to her, that he meant it to be symbolical, and then agin I don't know. But, anyway, she wore it a-fastenin' the lace at her white throat. But I do know that the girls and I gin her some good linen napkins, and towels, and table-cloths, and the boys a handsome set of books.

I've seen her picter; but good land! how can I tell who or what it is? It is pretty as a doll, and Krit seems to think his eyes on it; but he's so full of fun, I can't git any straight story out of him. But Thomas Jefferson says she is a bonny fidy girl a good one and a pretty one, and has got a father dretful well off; and he sez that she and Krit are engaged.

For the children wuz happy in their happy and prosperous hums, and Krit, they say I don't tell it for certain but they say that he come back engaged to a sweet young girl of Chicago Come back from the great New World of the World's Fair, as his illustrious namesake went home so long ago, in chains Only Krit's chains wuz wrought of linked love and blessedness instead of iron so they say.

It wuz of 'em on his side this time not like Krit, half hisen and half mine, but clear hisen. Clear Allen, with no Smith at all in the admixture. Proud enough wuz my pardner of him, and of himself too for bein' born his cousin. But tickled wuz he when word come that Elnathan Allen, Esquire, of Menlo Park, California, wuz a-comin' to Jonesville to visit his old friends.

Maggie and Isabelle looked sweet as two new-blown roses, and Thomas J. smart and handsome. We stopped and visited quite a spell, real affectionate and agreeable. Oh, what a interestin' couple our son and his wife are! and Isabelle is a girl of a thousand. Krit had gone on to Dakota, on business, they said, but wuz comin' back anon or mebby before.

But happier hearts and gladder eyes never glowed and rejoiced in 'em than Isabelle's and her handsome lover's. And wuzn't Krit glad? Wuzn't he glad of soul to see Isabelle's happiness? Yes, indeed! And Maggie and Thomas Jefferson. Why, of course we wouldn't sing out loud in public, not for anything.

"When I think of the brutality, the cheatin', the cruelty, the devilishness of the agents, it is a wonder to me that they let one stick remain on another at the agencies that they don't burn 'em up, root and branch, and destroy all the lazy, cheatin', lyin' white scamps they can get sight of." The two men acted fairly browbeat and smut to hear Krit go on, and they sez

She staid to home with the old folks kinder peevish and fretful, Krit said they wuz, too and let him go a-sailin' out on the broad ocean of life; she had trimmed her own sails in such hope, but had to curb 'em in now and lower the topmast.

"You must be mistaken in your views; the Goverment, I am sure, tries to protect the Injuns and take care of 'em." "What is the Goverment doin'," sez Krit, "but goin' into partnership with lyin' and stealin, when it knows just what their agents are doin', and still protects them in their shameful acts, and sends out troops to build up their strength?