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Possibly he found my manner rather cool, but the fact was, that try as I would to curb my feelings, I could not but resent something of an air of proprietorship which I thought appeared in his tone when referring to Miss Maitland. When he had departed, I got out all the catalogues of motor-cars I could lay my hands upon, and studied them until it was time to dress for dinner.

Hambleton knew her instantly, although the dark abundance of her hair was almost lost beneath hat and flowing veil, and the bright, humorous expression was blotted out by fear. He stood for a moment rooted to the curb, watching the dark mass of the car as it swayed down the hill. Then he beckoned sharply to his driver, met the taxicab half way, and pointed to the disappearing machine. "Quick!

"Do you wish to separate forever? I must recall to you our last conversation: 'Only when you are resolved to moderate this impetuous manner, and curb this overflow of feeling, which reason and custom imposes upon us, shall I be able to receive you and enjoy your society." "Yes, with these unmeaning phrases you banished me. Cruel and hard-hearted were you to the last.

Sidney Prale, his face still flaming, whirled around and started for the entrance, the crowd parting to let him through. Rufus Shepley, fuming and fussing, followed him slowly. The house detective accompanied him to the door. Prale was waiting at the curb, a Prale whose face was white now because of the temper he was fighting to control. He stepped close to Shepley's side.

In examining the hock for curb it is necessary to stand to the side and note the profile of the posterior border. Excessive development of the head of the external splint bone should not be mistaken for curb. As viewed from the side, the posterior border of the hock should appear straight. The curb appears as a swelling on this straight line. It varies in size.

And he resumed his rapid walk, his face darkened with an anger he vainly tried to curb. Never had she seen him so roused. She too rose, trembling a little. "But I love that picture!" she said. "I beg you not to sell it." He stopped, in distress. "Unfortunately, dear, I have promised the money. It must be found within six weeks and I see no other way."

Of these hallucinations the most grotesque is that the weak can come together, can pass a law to curb the strong, can set one of their number to enforce it, may then disperse with no occasion further to trouble about the strong.

"If you'll be good enough to keep an eye out for busybodies and yourself as inconspicuous as possible in this doorway..." And he walked back to the curb, measuring the wall with his eye. "What are you going to do?"

"What do you want me to play the spy?" "Warren, you're a fool! What do I want? I want the first of September to come quickly, that we may have him with us. With Delia he must go straight. She influences him, he admires her which is better than mere love. Away from her just now, who can tell what mad adventure ! You see, he has had the curb so long!"

Meekness, though divers troubles you are in, Will bridle passion, be a curb to sin. Thus God sets forth the meek before our eyes; A meek and quiet spirit God doth prize.