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Some day I'll sure tell y'u all about it, and how I have loved y'u ever since y'u scooped me up in your car. You're the gamest little lady! To see y'u come a-sailin' down after me, so steady and businesslike, not turning a hair when the bullets hummed I sure do love y'u, Helen." And then he fell upon her first name and called her by it a hundred times softly to himself.

I guess they wuz all a-dreamin' about the song of birds a-comin' back from the south land, and silky, pale green willers a-bendin' low over gurglin' brooks, and pink and white may-flowers a-hidin' under the leafy hollows of Northern hills, and the golden glow of cowslips down in the dusky brown shallows in green swamps, and white clouds a-sailin' over blue skies, and soft winds a-blowin' up from the South.

"The New Testament hain't got a better book in it than Corinthians it is one of my favorites; I am glad that this buildin' takes after it." He looked kinder dumfoundered, and then he looked tickled; he see that we wuz congenial, though we met only as two barks that meet on the ocean, or two night-hawks a-sailin' past each other in the woods at Jonesville.

We be all a-sailin', been't we?" said Aunt Electry, who was ninety years old, lighting her pipe; "only I wish 't some 't 's sailin' solitary had mates 't 's fit for 'em how is Vesty?" "I don't know," I began, afflicted with a sort of lightness of head. I wanted to take out Uncle Benny's pocket-mirror that I carried with me now. Was I beautiful, and tall, and fair? What had happened me!

"A fine chat I've had with ye, Miss Diana, ma'am, but I see one of them European steamers a-sailin' up the Narrows, and I must be attendin' to me duties.

She staid to home with the old folks kinder peevish and fretful, Krit said they wuz, too and let him go a-sailin' out on the broad ocean of life; she had trimmed her own sails in such hope, but had to curb 'em in now and lower the topmast.

I tell you, away, away! for we'll go a-sailin'. Away, away! for we'll go a-sailin', a-sailin', a-sailin'. Away, away! for we'll go a-sailin', a-sailin' on the sea."

And I see plain that Columbia couldn't help discoverin' her if she wanted to, when she's lifted herself up so, and is showin' plain in 1893 jest how lofty and level-headed, how many-sided and yet how symmetrical she is. And Columbia wuz a-sailin' right towards her, steered by Time, the invincible.

"That is what I am afraid of." "Didn't see nuffin ob 'em nowhere?" "No. I was hit by a lighter and knocked senseless." "Whar's dat dar Peacock?" "Gone, too." "Wot you spects to do?" "I was going to inform the authorities. We must find Tom and Sam." "Dat's right, sah." "Where is the Swallow?" "Tied up jest below heah, sah. Dat dar Luke Peterson is a-sailin' ob her wid me." "Good.

That's the advice of an old salt, an' you'll find it sound, the more you ponder of it. Wen a young feller sails away on the sea of life, let him always go by chart and compass, not forgettin' to take soundin's w'en cruisin' off a bad coast. Keep a sharp lookout to wind'ard, an' mind yer helm that's my advice to you lad, as ye go 'A-sailin' down life's troubled stream, All as if it wor a dream'".