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Course, it ain't five minutes before she's cuddlin' him up and cooin' to him, and he's gnawing away at her thumb with his little puppy teeth. "Such a dear!" says Vee. "And we could keep him out in the garage, and have Dominick look after him, couldn't we? For they get to be such big dogs, you know." "Do they?" says I. I didn't see quite how they could.

And they sez, some on 'em, "Why! what are men in the Methodist meetin' house for, if it hain't to guard the more weaker sect, and keep cares offen 'em?" And one or two on 'em mentioned the words, "cooin' doves" and "sweet tender flowerets," as is the way of men at such times. They had to hurry off to tell the great news to other places in Jonesville and up as fer as Loontown and Zoar.

"Oh, it isn't at all necessary; I can do my own courting," Alfred replied, as he wiped his razor and laid it away. "Do it, then, boy, in short order! You're too old to stand in need o' much billin' and cooin' but the gal's rayther young, and may expect it and I s'pose it's the way. But I'd sooner you'd step up to the Doctor, bein' as I can only take him when he comes here to me loaded and primed.

"I'd have you a lady, sweet-mannered, soft-voiced, tender and gentle " "Like your aunt? But she ain't exactly a pet lamb, Peregrine, nor yet a cooin' dove now, is she? And as for me I'm just " "My goddess Diana!" "Was the real goddess a lady?" "Well, I I suppose so but I want to ask you " "No, tell me about her the goddess Diana."

"That ain't what's got your goat," I told him. "Your cooin' dove is dazzled by that show of wealth, and you know it." "Hell! She's just curious, that's all. She's just a kid. I I wish I'd of known who he was when I treated him. I'd of drove a horse-shoe nail in his knee." But all the same Mike looked worried. It rained hard that night, and the next morning the grass was pretty wet.

"There's Mrs Brown's baby expectin' to be waited on 'and an' foot, an' thinks nothin' of wakin' 'er up in the night, cryin' its heart out one minute, an' cooin' like a dove the next, though I don't 'old with keepin' birds in the 'ouse as makes an awful mess, an' always the fear of a nasty nip through the bars of the cage, which means a piece of rag tied round your finger."

It was moonlight you've been in the tropics, McGuffey, you know what real moonlight is an' I was lyin' out on th' edge of Hakatuea overlookin' the beach. I'd spotted a sail at sunset an' somethin' told me it was the Dashin' Wave. Pinky was with me, rubbin' my head an' braidin' my whiskers an' cooin' over me like a baby, as happy as any woman could be.

"Well, Lucy says it's for that sort of doin's as she left her happy home an' her razor-stroppin' father, an' she says the billin' an' cooin' of Gran'ma Mullins over Hiram is enough to make a wedded wife sick.

The cat spat viciously, startled by the sudden movement. "I wish ye'd left that damn cat to hum! I hain't no notion to be bit by no cat." "Kitty won't bite ye if ye let me alone will ye, Kitty? I ain't never afeard of nothin' when I got him with me be I, Kitty, pretty pussy?" "Stop a cooin', ye bughouse woman," snarled Crabbe, "and tell me what ye got to!" "I said Flea wasn't for you." "Ye lie!"

But, Hogarth, you hadn't hardly gone when we made it up between us, and the rest of that evening we was just like well two bloomin', cooin' doves! kissin', blubblin', havin' drinks, and doin' our week's shoppin' together. Well stop, here's Black " They were interrupted, and for two days found no other chance.