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Updated: August 9, 2024

The rest of his life is full of adventure. It is now Norcia. In B.C. 97 Didius was in Spain as Proconsul, and fought against the Celtiberi. Didius is mentioned by Cicero, Pro Cn. The passage in the text should be translated, "he was sent out under Didius as commander, and wintered in Iberia, in Castlo," &c.

Petreius was to march from Lusitania through the Vettones, and join Afranius with all his forces; Varro was to guard all Further Spain with what legions he had. These matters being settled, reinforcements of horse and foot were demanded from Lusitania, by Petreius; from the Celtiberi, Cantabri, and all the barbarous nations which border on the ocean, by Afranius.

This war continued, almost without interruption, from the year 200 to 133, and was for the most part carried on at the same time in Hispania Citerior, where the Celtiberi were the most formidable adversaries, and in Hispania Ulterior, where the Lusitani were equally powerful.

For this he obtained the prize of merit; and in the rest of the campaign, having given many proofs of his judgment and daring, he was honoured and trusted by his general. After the close of the war with the Cimbri and Teutones, he was sent as tribune by Didius the prætor to Iberia, and he wintered in Castlo, a city of the Celtiberi.

Hostilities were at the highest pitch in 195, under Cato, who reduced Hispania Citerior to a state of tranquillity in 185-179, when the Celtiberi were attacked in their native territory; and 155-150, when the Romans in both provinces were so often beaten, that nothing was more dreaded by the soldiers at home than to be sent there.

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