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Here was the regulation swallow-tail coat and trousers of green, the striped red vest, and the polished brass buttons; but the man inside was too much for him. "Diable! you luke right. But, no, I can not explain. Eet ees on zee tongue, but eet rayfuse. Ha! I haf eet! You lack vot zay call zee real. You make me t'ink uf zee sairvant on zee stage, somet'ing bettair off; eh?"

In high rage the former bully of Putnam Hall strode forward and without warning struck the defenseless Dick a heavy blow on the cheek. "That, for your impudence," he snarled. "You keep a civil tongue in your head. If you don't " He finished with a shake of his fist. "You had bettair make up your mind to pay ze monish," said Captain Villaire, after a painful pause.

You have the soft, fine hair you should let it grow eight inches we have to have, and then you can come to me for the permanent wave. So many young men come to me for the permanent wave! You know eet? Meester Carpentair, you see, he has let hees hair grow, and he has the permanent wave eet could not be bettair eef I had done eet myself.

And my eye flashed fire, I felt, for I now heard him chuckling low in the shadow, in which he so carefully concealed himself. "I shall remembair vat you say," he observed, "and try to do bettair next visit; but all dis time I delay in de execution of my mission here. See, I have brought you von lettair; now vat will you do to reward me?"

Vich ees de bettair, de air or de meat, señor? Bueno, I tink de laugh vas vid him." Mr. O'Brien, his attention thus suddenly recalled to practical affairs, gazed into the emptied frying-pan, a decided expression of bewildered despair upon his wizened face. For the moment even speech failed him as he confronted that scene of total devastation.

I say always, 'My work ees bettair than nature, I tell nature by the eemperfections. Eh, voila?" I am not sure whether it was for the benefit of me or of Carpenter. The deputee of the god of beautee was moved to volunteer a great revelation. "Would you like to see how we make eet the permanent wave?

But Fiddlin' Jack lived on in the little house with the curved roof, beside the river, refusing all the good offers which were made to him for his piece of land. "NON," he said; "what for shall I sell dis house? I lak' her, she lak' me. All dese walls got full from museek, jus' lak' de wood of dis violon. He play bettair dan de new feedle, becos' I play heem so long.

"Bon," interrupted Raoul "Bunkair was good; mais, les Roches aux Sirens is bettair. If you have more de ces bulles load encore. "What think you of this, Captain Rule?" asked the other, pointing up at a little vane that began to flutter at the head of one of his masts. "Here is the west wind, and an opportunity offers to be off. Let us take wit, and run!"

"Ver much bettair," was his first remark, made in that disagreeable, harsh, and husky voice of his, while he bent so near me that the aroma of the tobacco he had been smoking caused me to cough and turn aside.

To interest, to amuse you, is perhaps to cure!" "Thank you; I shall await his advent anxiously; be careful not to disappoint me." "Oh, not for vorlds!" "You are very kind; I believe, though, that is all we have to say to one another, Dr. Englehart." "You are bettair, then?" he said, advancing steadily toward me in spite of this dismissal. "You need no more leetle pill? Are you quite sure of dat?"