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If they wint by at all at all, it was when me family was aslape. Then he got out of his wagin and come in, and he looked 'round in all the corners careless like, and thin he said he wanted to go to the barrun. Give me a hundred dollars, says I, 'an' I'll thry it. The week that Mike promised Jim was like a lifetime.

"The haythen will sleep in Dewey's tent. Why can't I creep up, unbeknownst, in the middle of the night, and cut off his pigtail, while he is aslape? Faith, I'd like to see how he and his friend would look in the morning. I don't belave a word of his not bein' allowed to go back to Chiny widout it. That is an invintion of Dewey," The more O'Reilly dwelt upon this idea the more it pleased him.

I nebber know'd noting wusser," replied Rais, with a look of sleepy exasperation. "Beats ebberyting. Been five-an'-twenty 'eer in de kontry, an' nebber seed de like." "Seed the like!" echoed the seaman. "Did ye saw 'em when ye was aslape?" "Feel um, then," replied the other sulkily; "yoos too purtikler." "Suppose we goes an' has a whiff?" suggested Flaggan, leaping to the ground.

The light of the candle showed a faint trouble in Father Tierney's face. "Sure, it's too bad! Do you think, my son, the matter is of importance? 'T would be after being just a little left-over of directions?" "Perhaps," said Marchmont. "But orders are orders, father, and I must awaken Lieutenant McNeill. Indeed, it's hard to think that he's asleep " "He isn't aslape."

Whisper, darlint" and he bent down his royal head close to Mrs. Russell's tingling ear "whisper, jool: I'm wantin' to have a discoorse wid ye somethin' important I must see ye alone. It's ill convaynient just now, an' I don't want to be overheard. I'll wait till the gyerruls are aslape, an' I'll luk in. Ye'll moind, will ye? This noight, jool." "Ah, sire ah, 'Your Majesty," sighed Mrs.

Slowly the Andromeda swung to the west. Even more slowly, or so it appeared to the anxious man on the bridge, a red eye peeped into being alongside the green one. A blacker smear showed up on the black sea, and a hoarse voice, presumably situated beneath the smear, expressed a desire for information. "Arr ye all aslape on board that crimson collier?" it asked in a Waterford brogue.

Amid the woman's shrill protest against the retort, the two men ascended the steep stairway. The priest pushed open the door of a room near its top. "Is that you already, sister?" drawled a sweet, childish voice from the darkness. "It's only ould Father Denny come to see ye, darlin'; and a foine gentleman I've brought to make ye a gr-r-and call. And ye resaves us fast aslape in bed!

Lie to till I be afther boardin' you. Sure, they are lyin' to divil a rag of canvas on her are they aslape or dhramin'? Here, Dick, let me get aft wid the sheet; the wind'll take us up to her quicker than we'll row." He crawled aft and took the tiller; the breeze took the sail, and the boat forged ahead. "Is it daddy's ship?" asked Dick, who was almost as excited as his friend.

"He said: `Take a bar'l full, an' welcome, Mister Button; an' it's wishful I am I had a drop of the crathur to offer you this fine marnin'. Thin he popped his head under his fin and went aslape agin; leastwise, I heard him snore." Emmeline nearly always "Mr Buttoned" her friend; sometimes she called him "Mr Paddy." As for Dick, it was always "Paddy," pure and simple.

My! but he talks like a lawyer, an' he sasses right back like a fightin' man; belave I'll make him study law instid of tooth-pullin'." The storm was over, for Caleb's wrath was of the short and fierce kind, and Raften, turning away in moral defeat, growled: "See that ye put that fire out safe. Ye ought all to be in yer beds an' aslape, like dacint folks." "Well, ain't you dacint?" retorted Sam.