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No one made answer to it. Colin's eyes were again turned towards the beach. Once more he directed the thoughts of his comrades to the shell-fish. "Hold your hands, youngsters," said the sailor. "Lie close 'eer behind the 'ill; an' I'll see if there's any shell-fish that we can make a meal av. Now that the sun's up, it won't do to walk down there. I must make a crawl av it."

Whitehouse & my man York in a large Canoe, with an Indian whome I hired for a Sun glass to accompany me as a pilot. at half past 11 A.M. I Set out, and had not proceeded far eer I saw 4 large Canoes at Some distance above decending and bending their Course towards our Camp which at this time is very weak Capt. Lewis haveing only 10 men with him.

"Tell you what 'Squire I'll put him fur as the law will carry it, and if you can slap on plenty of cost 'Squire, it'll do me more good than eaten my supper." "I shall do the best I can for you sir," said the young man, carefully noting the points which Mose brought to bear on the matter. "Well now 'Squire, suppose you want your wages for this 'eer job. What's your price?"

The news was presently dispersed, and all felt an interest, until finally Nanking produced his stork. "It is like a stork, indeed!" uttered Peter Alrichs; "'tis big as one, too, but its wings are all white!" "'Tis a stork, yah, op myne eer! Upon my honor, it is!" muttered uncle Van Swearingen. "Nanking is not an idiot, papa!" said Elsje, overjoyed.

The Capt'n made me walk up and down for an hour with a big rail on my sholder. "You tell Squire Joneses boy that he haint got sand enuff to jine the army, and if he don't keep away from you I'll bust his eer when I git home, if I ever do. Whattle you do if I shouldn't ever see you agin?

They informed me that they found the Elk after being lost in the woods for one Day and part of another, the most of the meat was Spoiled, they distance was So great and uncertain and the way bad, they brought only the Skins, york was left behind by Some accident which detained us Some time eer he Came up after passing round the pt.

I'd perish you, I would, if I was 'im! Off the fyce o' the earth, an' charnce bein' 'ung for it! Take away that gun, you silly little imitation sojer d' you 'eer?" The weapon was extremely weighty. W. Keyse's arms ached frightfully. Perspiration trickled into his eyes from under the tilted smasher. He felt damp and small, and desperately at a loss.

Dost 'eer who are ye, I say; and what the deil seek ye in the woods here? Come, bestir thee! If his wide mouth and great tobacco-stained teeth, his scowl, and loud discordant tones were intimidating, they were also extremely irritating. The moment my spirit was roused, my courage came. 'I am Miss Ruthyn of Knowl, and Mr. Silas Ruthyn, your master, is my uncle.

"Well, I never; if this eer room isn't as dark as Egypt," exclaimed Moses, going to the end window and hitching up the blind in that remarkable style peculiar only to the sterner sex. The light sun streamed in and brought out each article of furniture in bold relief. There was a brand new set of cane-seat chairs that the old lady had bought at Stewart & White's the last time she had been to town.

But," he added remorsefully, "I've heard I reckon fifty times about you and your ladies and gentlemen, and if you was capsized out o' that eer boat, I'd have mine out and take her arter you my own self if the seas was a comin' over that there mast-head." Then Lewis shook hands with his frank opponent, who grinned affably and waved until the boat was nearly out of sight.