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"It's bad for 'im too." "Don't you worry about me, my lads," said Henry with offensive patronage. "I can take care of myself all right. You ain't seen me come aboard so drunk that I've tried to get down the foc'sle without shoving the scuttle back. You never knew me to buy a bundle o' forged pawn-tickets. You never " "Listen to 'im," said Sam, growing purple; "I'll be 'ung for 'im yet."

"She vore no 'at upon 'er 'ead, Nor a cap, nor a " "Bear the 'Markis' up werry short, Sam, vill 'ee? " dandy bonnet, But 'er 'air it 'ung all down 'er back, Like a " "Easy easy now! Hold on to them leaders, Dick! " bunch of carrots upon it. Ven she cried 'sprats' in Vestminister, Oh! sich a sveet loud woice, sir, You could 'ear 'er all up Parlyment Street, And as far as Charing Cross, sir."

"The labatry ain't been touched," she explained, breathlessly, "but they smashed the libry clock and they've 'ung your gold watch, sir, on the skelinton's hands. And the books that weren't no value they flung out er the window just like so much rubbish. They must have been wild drunk, Dr. Laidlaw, sir!" The young scientist made a hurried examination of the rooms. Nothing of value was missing.

Yo' an' he lock it up, an' John goes away with 'is keys 'ung roun' 'is neck. Yo' agree to that? Well an' good. But there's another key in your 'ouse, Isaac, as opens John's cupboard. Ah " He waved his hand in deprecation of Isaac's movement. "I dessay yo' didn't know nowt about it that's noather 'ere nor there.

"Then nobody has lived here of late?" "Bless 'ee no nor wouldn't, no, not if ye paid 'em tu. Nobody's come a-nigh the place, you may say, since 't were built by the wanderin' man. Lived 'ere all alone, 'e did killed 'isself 'ere likewise." "Killed himself!" said I. "Ah ! 'ung 'isself be'ind th' door yonder, sixty an' six year ago come August, an' 't were me as found 'im.

"And yet you are a highwayman?" "Why, friend, 'tis in the family, y' see. My father was one afore me an' uncommon successful much looked up to in 'is perfession, though a little too quick o' th' trigger finger but 'e was took at last, 'ung at Tyburn an' gibbeted on Blackheath.

"Ah 'ung! w'y, ain't 'e a-waitin' an' a-waitin' to get at this cove this cove wi' the nice white 'ands an' the takin' ways, ain't 'e awatchin' an' a-watchin' to meet 'im some lonely night and when 'e do meet 'im " The Pedler sighed. "Well?" "W'y, there'll be blood shed blood! quarts on it buckets on it!

"You are wrong there, Amos," said I, "it was afternoon when I came, and the Ancient was with me." "Ah! an' wheer did 'e find ye, Peter? come, speak up an' tell us." "In the Hollow," I answered. "Ay, 'e found 'ee in the very spot wheer the Wanderer o' the Roads 'ung 'isself, sixty an' six years ago." "There is nothing very strange in that!" said I.

Because 'e carries on so, all about a Eve w'y, theer ain't a woman breathin' as is worth a man's troublin' 'is lead over, no, nor never will be yet 'ere's Black Jarge ready ah! an' more than willin' to get 'isself 'ung, an' all for a wench a Eve " "Get, himself hanged?" I repeated.

My grandfather's godmother was wont to say to me when I was a boy, Patenostres et oraisons Sont pour ceux-la, qui les retiennent. Ung fiffre en fenaisons Est plus fort que deux qui en viennent. Not orisons nor patenotres Shall ever disorder my brain. One cadet, to the field as he flutters, Is worth two, when they end the campaign.