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It then becomes of infinite importance, that the first lieutenant should introduce a uniform and well-explained system of discipline on board, especially as regards cleanliness and neatness of appearance, which are best effected by frequent and regular musterings, without too much fastidiousness in the first instance, as this might only teaze the men, and prevent the effectual establishment of those observances which it is the chief purpose of good discipline to render habitual.

This is well-explained by the following written interpellation which was addressed to the government by a large number of parliamentarians: We, the undersigned, hereby address this interpellation to the Government.

This is well-explained by the following written interpellation which was addressed to the government by a large number of parliamentarians: We, the undersigned, hereby address this interpellation to the Government.

Instead of one well-explained example, three or four are just touched upon, and thus a show is made of strong evidence. But there are matters where a whole dozen of cases brought forward would prove nothing, if, for instance, they are facts of frequent occurrence, and therefore a dozen other cases with an opposite result might just as easily be brought forward.