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What! that crisped and winding stream, with flowers on its very tide the water-violet and the water-lily these silent brakes the cool of the gathering evening the still and luxuriance of the universal life around you; are not these enough of themselves to tempt you forth? if not, go to your excuse is hypocrisy."

The villarsia, which looks like a water-lily, is not related at all, while the buck-bean is not a bean, but akin to the gentians. Water-violet might be more properly called water-primrose, for it is closely related to the primrose, though its colour is certainly violet, and not pale yellow. By this time all the bladderworts have disappeared under water.

But where the cardinal-flower spreads its clubbed suckers, and where the beautiful bells of the water-violet sway among the rushes, there is gravel, which is not always under water.

What! that crisped and winding stream, with flowers on its very tide the water-violet and the water-lily these silent brakes the cool of the gathering evening the still and luxuriance of the universal life around you; are not these enough of themselves to tempt you forth? if not, go to your excuse is hypocrisy."

She had a dark green smock upon her, the colour of the water-weed that waves as the water wills it, deep, deep down. And in her long wet hair were the white flowers of the water-violet, and she held a reed mace in her hand. Her face was very sad because she had lived a long life, and known so many adventures, ever since she was a baby, which was nearly a hundred years ago.