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'And as I know it's what I always said that Wal'r's in a way to make his fortune, said the Captain. 'To make his fortune, Mr Carker repeated, in the same dumb manner. 'And as Wal'r's going on this little voyage is, as I may say, in his day's work, and a part of his general expectations here, said the Captain. 'Of his general expectations here, assented Mr Carker, dumbly as before.

'Yes, yes; drownded, said the Captain, soothingly; 'as I was saying, if he could be here he'd beg and pray of you, my precious, to pick a leetle bit, with a look-out for your own sweet health. Whereby, hold your own, my lady lass, as if it was for Wal'r's sake, and lay your pretty head to the wind. Florence essayed to eat a morsel, for the Captain's pleasure.

If our poor Wal'r was here, my Lady Lass or if he could be for he's drowned, a'n't he? As I was saying, if he could be here, he'd beg and pray of you, my precious, to pick a leetle bit, with a look-out for your own sweet health. Whereby, hold your own, my Lady Lass, as if it was for Wal'r's sake, and lay your pretty head to the wind!"

'And he's drownded, Beauty, ain't he? said the Captain, in a soothing voice. Florence could not but assent again. 'He was older than you, my lady lass, pursued the Captain, 'but you was like two children together, at first; wam't you? Florence answered 'Yes. 'And Wal'r's drownded, said the Captain. 'Ain't he?