Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 12, 2024
So Holroyd hooted and whistled. Then the captain fell into a doubting fit of the worst kind. "Dere is one thing we can do," he said presently, "What's that?" said Holroyd. "'Oot and vissel again." So they did. The captain walked his deck and gesticulated to himself. He seemed to have many things on his mind. Fragments of speeches came from his lips.
This place, with its leaf-thatch-covered houses and sheds, its creeper-invaded sugar-mill, its little jetty of timber and canes, was very still in the morning heat, and showed never a sign of living men. Whatever ants there were at that distance were too small to see. "All the people have gone," said Gerilleau, "but we will do one thing anyhow. We will 'oot and vissel."
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