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'My child, said Vasiliki, 'may God preserve you from ever wishing for that death which to-day you so much dread! Then, whispering to Selim, she asked what were her master's orders.

Go into the cavern with Haidee. 'I will not quit you, said Vasiliki; 'if you die, my lord, I will die with you. 'Go to Selim! cried my father. 'Adieu, my lord, murmured my mother, determining quietly to await the approach of death. 'Take away Vasiliki! said my father to his Palikares.

'If he send me his poniard, it will signify that the emperor's intentions are not favorable, and I am to set fire to the powder; if, on the contrary, he send me his ring, it will be a sign that the emperor pardons him, and I am to extinguish the match and leave the magazine untouched. 'My friend, said my mother, 'when your master's orders arrive, if it is the poniard which he sends, instead of despatching us by that horrible death which we both so much dread, you will mercifully kill us with this same poniard, will you not? 'Yes, Vasiliki, replied Selim tranquilly.

A curious development of this period is found in the mottled ware from Vasiliki, where the decoration was accomplished neither by incising nor by painting a design, but by a method of firing in which the vases, first painted red, were so placed that the hot coals actually came into contact with the vases at certain points, and produced black patches upon the red paint.