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But anyone who has had an opportunity to watch the prolonged misery of the victims of un-called-for operations will not doubt that anesthesia has been a two-edged sword which has inflicted many more wounds than it has healed. Many physicians have recognized more or less distinctly the uselessness and harmfulness of "Old School" medical treatment.

And more, with unwanted, stammering loquacity, to that effect, with fire of eye, with un-called-for, excited repetition. The Cold-Hearted Fates When Mrs. Day and her daughters had retired that night, their boarder sat up writing a letter. Deleah found it pushed under her plate at breakfast the next morning, Gibbon always breakfasting early and alone. "I think you behaved nobly," the letter ran.

On the other hand, our Indian Government had begun an un-called-for interference with the affairs of Afghanistan, which, successful at first, resulted in a series of humiliating reverses to our arms, culminating in one of the most terrible disasters that have ever befallen a British force the wholesale massacre of General Elphinstone's defeated and retreating army on its passage through the terrible mountain gorge known as the Pass of Koord Cabul.

The crew and captain were probably frightened by feeling some mysterious sleepy influence at work, and they hastily deserted the ship. Probably the commander did not like to acknowledge the real reason for his seemingly un-called-for act, and he did not tell Blowitz the cause for the abandonment.