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They made a special mock of the walking-staff, and scarcely an hour in the day passed that they had not some disparaging reference to it. Among themselves they spoke of Osseo of the walking-staff, in derision, as the owner of the big woods, or the great timber-man.

The timber-man waved the statue aside, and looked at the youth with critical eyes. "I've just been making up the accounts for the year," he said. "It's been the best year I've had in seven. I've taken the starch out of Belloc and Fabian. I've broken the back of their opposition I've got it like a twig in iron teeth." "Yes, Tarboe's been some use, hasn't he?" was the suggestive response.

The timber-man waved the statue aside, and looked at the youth with critical eyes. "I've just been making up the accounts for the year," he said. "It's been the best year I've had in seven. I've taken the starch out of Belloc and Fabian. I've broken the back of their opposition I've got it like a twig in iron teeth." "Yes, Tarboe's been some use, hasn't he?" was the suggestive response.

'I want to get my woods in a decent state again, so that I mayn't be for ever reminded that I sold them betrayed them for filthy lucre. 'No! said Elizabeth firmly, her colour rising, 'for the Army! The Squire shrugged his shoulders. 'So they say. Meanwhile the timber-man makes an unholy profit. There was silence for a moment, then Elizabeth said,