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Updated: August 19, 2024
Losson fell forward without a word, and the others scattered. "You thought it was!" yelled Simmons. "You're drivin' me to it! I tell you you're drivin' me to it! Get up, Losson, an' don't lie shammin' there-you an' your blasted parrit that druv me to it!" But there was an unaffected reality about Losson's pose that showed Simmons what he had done. The men were still clamoring on the veranda.
"It is a strange thing to say, but she rather taught me too much. I don't deny that it may have been my own fault. I don't blame her, or any one. But you know what I was at college-no worse than other men, I dare say; but no better. I had no reason for being better." "No reason? Surely she gave you reasons." "There-you have touched the ailing nerve now.
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