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I have as much cause for haste as Sheikh Hamed; but Unyanyembe is far yet, and I am not going to endanger my property by playing the madman." As Thani had reported, we found an abundance of provisions at the village, and good sweet water from some pits close by.

Hamed and Thani sent two faithful slaves, well up to the eccentricities of the Wagogo sultans well spoken, having glib tongues and the real instinct for trade as carried on amongst Orientals.

He imagined these voices of the past and the dead, and yet for all their distinct clarity, they were at best half-imagined impressions, half concocted indentions in the damp putty of his brain. In reality they were as behind him as the township of Udon Thani that the train had now passed through.

They bore six doti of cloths, viz., one doti of Dabwani Ulyah contributed by myself, also one doti of Barsati from me, two doti Merikani Satine from Sheikh Thani, and two doti of Kaniki from Sheikh Hamed, as a first instalment of the tribute.