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In the brilliant deep scarlet of its large buds, and the bright orange-scarlet of the expanded flowers, this species stands quite alone among the night-flowering, scandent-stemmed Cereuses. Its one drawback is its shy-flowering nature, as it is rarely seen in blossom even when liberally treated, and along with the other kinds which flower so freely.

Judging by the conditions under which it grows and blossoms in its native haunts, no doubt its shy-flowering nature under cultivation here is owing to the absence of a long continuance of bright sunshine and moisture, followed by one of drought and sunlight. If placed in a favourable condition as regards light, and carefully treated in respect of water, it ought to flower. Mag. 5856.

Flowers short-tubed, about 2 in. across, and coloured yellow; they are produced on the top of the stem in summer, several expanding together. The plant is a native of California, and was introduced about 1840. Under cultivation this species proves to be a shy-flowering Cactus, although in a warm house it grows freely, and remains in good health.