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The womanly woman and the manly man, those ideals of the Victorians, which crumbled before the attack of the Ibsenites, Strindbergians and Shavians in the nineties, but which must be recognized as quite valid biologically, are the masterpieces of these interstitial cells when in their perfection.

His attitude towards current problems was felt to be arresting and even indecent; I do not think that anyone thought of connecting it with the old Calvinistic morality. But Shaw, who knew better than the Shavians, was at this moment on the very eve of confessing his moral origin. The play called The Devil's Disciple has great merits, but the merits are incidental.

It all came out of my concentration studies and the Higher Thought Centre where I met some most original dears Christian Scientists and Spiritualists and then these Socialists not a bit on the lines of the old Fabians and Bernard Shavians and the rest who used to believe only in Matter specially landed property matter and in parcelling that out among themselves.

Shaw it is confessedly automatic and uninteresting. To me these threescore years and ten are the battle. To me earthly life is the drama; to him it is the epilogue. Shavians think about the embryo; Spiritualists about the ghost; Christians about the man. It is as well to have these things clear.