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She married after freedom. Her and her husband farmed for a living you know, sharecropped. Ku Klux Klan "The Ku Klux and the pateroles were the same thing, only the Klan was more up to date. It's all set up with a hellish principle. It's old Pharaoh exactly. "The Ku Klux Klan didn't have no particular effect on the Negro except to scare him.

Mama had a sister named Lucy, one named Lethe, one named Caroline, one named Annie, and one named Jane. She had two boys one named Jack, and one named Barnett. She had another sister named I don't remember her name. "After freedom, we sharecropped for a number of years up until my father died. He died about twenty-four years ago. "After that mama washed and ironed for about ten or twelve years.

A few frightened slaves promised to remain with him another year; this placated him. It was necessary for Union soldiers to make another visit to the plantation before "Big Jim" would allow his former slaves to depart. Sam and Louisa moved to Boston, Georgia, where they sharecropped for several years; they later bought a small farm when their two sons became old enough to help.