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Updated: October 28, 2024
He then pronounces this marriage sarvice, when the husband smacks her first, and then the priest: 'Amo amas, avourneen in nomine gomine, betwuxt and between for hoc erat in votis, squeeze 'em please 'em omnia vincit amor, wid two horns to caput nap it poluphlasboio, the lasses 'Quid, says Cleopatra; 'Shid, says Antony ragibus et clatibus solemus stapere windous nine months big-bottle, and a honeymoon Alneas poque Dido' poque Roymachree hum not fiem viat lag rag, merry kerry, Parawig and breeches hoc manifestibus omnium Kiss your wife under the nose, then seek repose. 'Tis' done, says the priest.
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