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This simple expression of relief gives a clearer idea of what the delicate girl must have suffered than a volume of complaints. But however hard Madame Royale's lot might be, that of the Dauphin was infinitely harder.

Royale's words had been so many plumes in my life's helmet, but at bottom I knew better than to set great store by them. The whole thing was now to hurry to the duelling-ground and see if I could discover from this black Forister's face if he had received a "God spare you!" I took the Colonel's arm and fairly dragged him.

It passed through my mind like light and left me still smiling gayly at Colonel Royale's observations upon the situation. "Wounds in the body from Forister," quoth he academically, "are almost certain to be fatal, for his wrist has a magnificent twist which reminds one of a top. I do not know where he learned this wrist movement, but almost invariably it leads him to kill his man.

This simple expression of relief gives a clearer idea of what the delicate girl must have suffered than a volume of complaints. But however hard Madame Royale's lot might be, that of the Dauphin was infinitely harder.

This simple expression of relief gives a clearer idea of what the delicate girl must have suffered than a volume of complaints. But however hard Madame Royale's lot might be, that of the Dauphin was infinitely harder.