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Updated: January 24, 2025
From Ardra, Rhoodra, and the lands beyond came all High Prophets of the Earth to the Temple in Aradec of All the gods save One. And then they told Imbaun how The Secret of Things was upon the summit of the dome of the Hall of Night, but faintly writ, and in an unknown tongue.
And Imbaun looked up, but darkness was so deep within the Hall of Night that Imbaun was not even the High Prophets who came from Ardra, Rhoodra, and the lands beyond, nor saw he aught in the Hall of Night at all. Then called the High Prophets: "What seest thou, Imbaun?" And Imbaun said: "I see naught." Then called the High Prophets: "What knowest thou Imbaun?" And Imbaun said: "I know naught."
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