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The hind-knuckle or hock, used for stews, pot-pies, meat-pies. No. 5. Neck, best end used for roasts, stews and chops. No. 6. Breast, best end used for roasting, stews and chops. No. 7. Blade-bone, used for pot-roasts and baked dishes. No. 8. Fore-knuckle, used for soups and stews. No. 9. Breast, brisket-end used for baking, stews and pot-pies. No. 10.

Breathless, they stood listening. A vast, noble silence pervaded the great house. They flung their arms about each other, and thus embraced tottered against the wall; and Mrs. De Peyster relaxed in an unspeakable relief. Home again! Her own home! Odorless of pot-roasts and frying batter-cakes. The phrase was rather common and sentimental but, in truth, this was "home, sweet home."

Shoulder-piece, used for stews, soups, pot-roasts, mince-meat and hashes. Nos. 15, 16. Neck, clod or sticking-piece used for stocks, gravies, soups, mince-pie meat, hashes, bologna sausages, etc. No. 17. Shin or shank, used mostly for soups and stewing. No. 18. Cheek. The following is a classification of the qualities of meat, according to the several joints of beef, when cut up. First Class.