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To enter minutely into the detail of this business will not afford much information or entertainment to the generality of readers, who will however be surprised to hear that pepper-planting, though scarcely an art, so little skill appears to be employed in its cultivation, has nevertheless been rendered an abstruse science by the investigations which able men have bestowed upon the subject.

How far the returns in general might be increased by the introduction of these improvements in agriculture I cannot take upon me to determine; but I fear that, from the natural indolence of the natives, and their want of zeal in the business of pepper-planting, occasioned by the smallness of the advantage it yields to them, they will never be prevailed upon to take more pains than they now do.

The Dindings The Tragedy on Pulu Pangkor A Tropic Sunrise Sir W. Robinson's Departure "A Touch of the Sun" Kling Beauty A Question and Answer The Bazaars of Georgetown The Chinaman Goes Ahead The Products of Pinang Pepper-Planting HOTEL DE L'EUROPE, PINANG, February 9.

Thus much will be sufficient to give the reader an idea of pepper-planting as a kind of science. How far in a commercial light this produce answers the Company's views in supporting the settlements, is foreign from my purpose to discuss, though it is a subject on which not a little might be said.