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He can out-travel and out-endure an Indian, and he's never known any other life but that of the wild and the frost." "Who's that?" Captain Consadine broke in from across the table. "Big Olaf," she answered. "I was just telling Mr Bellew what a traveller he is." "You're right," the Captain's voice boomed. "Big Olaf is the greatest traveller in the Yukon.

He can out-travel and out-endure an Indian, and he's never known any other life but that of the wild and the frost." "Who's that?" Captain Consadine broke in from across the table. "Big Olaf," she answered. "I was just telling Mr. Bellew what a traveller he is." "You're right," the Captain's voice boomed. "Big Olaf is the greatest traveller in the Yukon.

She was Queen of Huahoa." "Was it the chief stock that enabled her to out-endure the native men?" Paula asked. "Or did you help her?" "I rather think we helped each other toward the end," Graham replied. "We were both out of our heads for short spells and long spells. Sometimes it was one, sometimes the other, that was all in.

Power was in this family, power of frame and constitution, with vital spirit in abundance; power of will, power of mind, and a good power of heart. Their will was good toward mankind. They had floods to surmount and many a howling tempest to out-endure. By and large they did well with life, very well. There was alloy, base metal of course, even in the greatest of the three. They were still men.