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"The birds breed by themselves quite fast enough if let alone, and the Lord intended them so to do for every one's use and eating, not for a few mean and selfish money-grubs who'd shoot and sell their own babies if they could get game prices for them!" And she had a certain sympathy with Bill Bush and his nefarious proceedings.

I knew well enough you could mean nothing I should not like. But I see trouble ahead, Alister!" "We shall be called a pack of fools, but what of that! We shall be told the money itself was clean, however dirty the hands that made it! The money-grubs!" "I would rather see you hanged, than pocketing a shilling of it!" "Of course you would!

I knew well enough you could mean nothing I should not like. But I see trouble ahead, Alister!" "We shall be called a pack of fools, but what of that! We shall be told the money itself was clean, however dirty the hands that made it! The money-grubs!" "I would rather see you hanged, than pocketing a shilling of it!" "Of course you would!

They were of course, as became people of fashion, regular and unwearied attendants of the church of Mammon, ordering all their judgments and ways in accordance with the precepts there delivered; but they were none of Mammon's priests or pew-openers, money-grubs, or accumulators. They gave liberally where they gave, and scraped no inferior to spend either on themselves or their charities.