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Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus have recommended. One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus, have recommended." One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus have recommended. One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

Pleydell listened with great attention, and then replied, 'I congratulated myself upon having made the acquaintance of a profound theologian in your chaplain; but I really did not expect to find a pupil of Albumazar or Messahala in his patron. I have a notion, however, this gipsy could tell us some more of the matter than she derives from astrology or second-sight.

Pleydell listened with great attention, and then replied, 'I congratulated myself upon having made the acquaintance of a profound theologian in your chaplain; but I really did not expect to find a pupil of Albumazar or Messahala in his patron. I have a notion, however, this gipsy could tell us some more of the matter than she derives from astrology or second-sight.

Or I will begin ab hora questionis, as Haly, Messahala, Ganwehis, and Guido Bonatus have recommended. One of Sampson's great recommendations to the favour of Mr.

Pleydell listened with great attention, and then replied, 'I congratulated myself upon having made the acquaintance of a profound theologian in your chaplain; but I really did not expect to find a pupil of Albumazar or Messahala in his patron. I have a notion, however, this gipsy could tell us some more of the matter than she derives from astrology or second-sight.