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Medard's Day in the year 1281, the moon, which had just risen, was shining brightly upon the imperial free city of Nuremberg; its rays found their way into the street leading from the strong Marienthurm to the Frauenthor, but entrance to the Ortlieb mansion was barred by a house, a watchtower, and most successfully of all by a tall linden tree.

And I sent round a messenger with a note to his rooms, but it was returned, marked, 'Has left; address not Known. I don't know what has become of him. Perhaps the housekeeper could have told us, but the unfortunate woman is beyond reach of questions." "Do you mean the Mr. Cranley who is Rector of St. Medard's, in Chelsea?" asked Barton. "No; I mean Mr.

On the eve of St. Medard's Day in the year 1281, the moon, which had just risen, was shining brightly upon the imperial free city of Nuremberg; its rays found their way into the street leading from the strong Marienthurm to the Frauenthor, but entrance to the Ortlieb mansion was barred by a house, a watchtower, and most successfully of all by a tall linden tree.

Médard's Cemetery, a churchwarden of the place, assisted by two secretaries and the corporal of Gendarmes, religiously inscribed the miraculous cures of the saint on a magnificent volume. Credible witnesses attested these prodigies and, if necessary, gave details to the incredulous. If all were not cured, they had the hope of being so, which was a consolation.

On the eve of St. Medard's Day in the year 1281, the moon, which had just risen, was shining brightly upon the imperial free city of Nuremberg; its rays found their way into the street leading from the strong Marienthurm to the Frauenthor, but entrance to the Ortlieb mansion was barred by a house, a watchtower, and most successfully of all by a tall linden tree.