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The eight days during which their stay at Teneriffe lasted were given up exclusively to the revictualling of the ship, and to magnetic and astronomical observations. Towards the end of September anchor was weighed, and on the 6th of October the work of surveying the islands of Martin-Vaz and of Trinidad was commenced.

King, however, had left La Praya thirty-six hours previously, and the Astrolabe therefore resumed her voyage the next day, i.e. on the 30th June. On the last day of July the rocks of Martin-Vaz and Trinity Island were sighted, and the latter appearing perfectly barren, a little dried-up grass and a few groups of stunted trees, dotted about amongst the rocks, being the only signs of vegetation.

The journey of Freycinet Rio de Janeiro and its gipsy inhabitants The Cape and its wines The Bay of Sharks Stay at Timor Ombay Island and its cannibal inhabitants The Papuan Islands The pile dwellings of the Alfoers A dinner with the Governor of Guam Description of the Marianne Islands and their inhabitants Particulars concerning the Sandwich Islands Port Jackson and New South Wales Shipwreck in Berkeley Sound The Falkland Islands Return to France The voyage of the Coquille under the command of Duperrey Martin-Vaz and Trinidad The Island of St.