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Louis, either in pods or seed. As for the cous-cous, the usual food of the negroes, it is made of the meal of sorgho, boiled up with milk. The mahogon or mahogoni which, according to naturalists, has a great affinity to the family of the miliacées, and which approaches to the genus of the cedrelles, is found in India, as well as in the Gulph of Mexico, where it is beginning to grow scarce. At St.

Domingo, it is considered as a species of acajou, and they give it that name. The yellow mahogoni, of India, furnishes the satin wood. There is also the mahogoni febrifuge, the bark of which supplies the place of the Peruvian bark. Lamarque has observed that the mahogon of Senegal has only eight stamina; the other kinds have ten. Acajou is, we believe, generally used for mahogany.