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In time the twenty wagons, with their double and quadruple teams, attended fore and aft by cavaliers and court-ladies, papier mache grotesques, trick mules and "calico ponies," came once more to the grounds, still pursued by the excited crowd. Far ahead of the parade a loud-voiced "barker" rode, warning all people to look out for their horses: "The elephant is coming!"

Papier maché and lacquer work are also frequently found in small articles of furniture; and the collection of drawings by native artists attests the high skill in design and execution attained by Indian craftsmen. Persia. The Persians have from time immemorial been an artistic people, and their style of Art throughout successive conquests and generations has varied but little.

In Germany, a "sandwich paper" has been made by pressing together four layers felt, pulp, cotton, pulp which is cheap and strong and useful for many purposes. When we come to papier maché, there is no end to the kinds of articles that are made of it. The papier maché, or paper pulped, is made by kneading old newspapers or wrapping papers with warm water into a pulp.

After noon I went and selected a lot of papier maché articles, and gave monograms to be painted upon them. Their papier maché is fairly made, elaborately painted and moderate in price. At this shop they prepared some ladâk tea for me, a most delicious beverage possessing a delicate flavour such as I have never before tasted in any tea.