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If he had not been beautiful she would never have looked twice at him, never once have pitied his fate. And he was beautiful still, though his hair was heavy with dew and dust; though his face was scorched with powder; though his eyes were closed as with the leaden weight of death, and his beard was covered with the red stain of blood that had flowed from the lance-wound on his shoulder.

But with my ankles I feared that I could do nothing, for when I strained it brought such pain into my lance-wound that I had to gnaw my moustache to keep from crying out. I could only lie still, half-free and half-bound, and see what turn things were likely to take. For a little I could not make out what they were after.

He had just seen them and the dog more enemies. . . . Hideous bone-rack long as a pony, tapering to the absurd piggy haunches head as long as a pony's head, with a look of decay round the yellow tusks dripping gash from a lance-wound under one ear standing stock just now, at the end of all flight! Nels seemed to slide forward two feet, like a shoved statue.

Alas! we have all our Golgothas, where we leave the first thirty-three years of our lives, with the lance-wound in our side, the crown of thorns and not of roses on our brow that hill-slope was to me the mount of expiation. We were followed by an immense crowd, seeking to express the grief of the valley where she had silently buried so many noble actions.