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Carter appealed, frantically. Scores of voices took up this cry, and numbers of men hastened around to the rear of the little hotel in the wake of the laddermen. "We must find Reade and Hazelton, too," shouted others. "Then we'll lynch someone for this night's business!" The cry was taken up hoarsely. Two ladders were quickly hoisted at the rear.

The laddermen stationed themselves at the edge of the timber, and the men who carried guns scattered along the whole width of the clearing. Then from the depths of the forest suddenly boomed the cry of the hoot-owl. Heads appeared over the edge of Lapierre's stockade, and from the shelter of the black spruce swamp came the crash of rifles.

As far as the eye could reach the brilliant procession filled the streets, presenting a glittering, undulating line of infantry, artillery, firemen, laddermen, axemen, zouaves, cadets, grangers, masons, templars, highlanders, citizens, &c, with gleaming arms, rustling flags, soul-stirring music, and other manifestations of patriotic enthusiasm.

Almost before they had begun to hoist, the laddermen and spectators felt that it was a useless attempt. Nor did the doors and passages seem to offer any better avenue of escape. Chug, chug, chug! sounded a touring car close at hand. An automobile stopped, Dr. Furniss jumping out. "Anyone in danger!" shouted the young doctor. "Yes; a woman and her children. Also Reade and Hazelton!"

The moats they crossed in spite of the gaps that had been made in the ice to stop them, but the garrison had poured water over the walls that froze as it ran, until they were like slippery icebergs. A bird could have found no foothold on them. Showers of rocks and junk and clubs fell upon the laddermen.