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This slight error cost the Compagnie Transatlantique L48,000 salvage money, and when they wanted to run the ship again and passengers refused to go by it, they offered my impresario, Mr. Abbey, excellent terms. He accepted them, and very intelligent he was, for, in spite of all prognostications, nothing further happened to the boat.

The father paid a year and a half for his fine, and the son half a year, in all L48, besides about L3 fees; so that I do believe the charges of his journeys, and what he gives those two rogues, and other expenses herein, cannot be less than L70, which will be a sad thing for them if a surrender be found.

The father paid a year and a half for his fine, and the son half a year, in all L48, besides about L3 fees; so that I do believe the charges of his journeys, and what he gives those two rogues, and other expenses herein, cannot be less than L70, which will be a sad thing for them if a surrender be found.

She watched with interest the progress of the Creek stations, although they were out of her hands. There were now at Okpo forty members in full communion, and the contributions for the year amounted to L48: 3: 3. At Akani Obio, where there were forty-five members in full communion, the total contributions amounted to L98: 11: 4.