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He was strongly of opinion that it was the curse of Asako's father which had brought this sorrow upon his family. Katsundo and Asako were representatives of the elder branch. Himself, Gentaro and Takeshi were mere usurpers. Restore the elder branch to its rights, and the indignant ghost would cease to plague them all. Such was the argument of grandfather Gennosuké.

So for several evenings Sadako read to this stranger Fujinami her own father's words, the words of a forerunner. Japan is still a savage country, wrote Fujinami Katsundo, the Japanese are still barbarians. To compare the conventional codes, which they have mistaken for civilization, with the depth and the height of Occidental idealism, as Christ perceived it and Dante and St.

"And this at the end?" "It means, Eveything always the same thing. Very bad translation I make. Very sad poem." "And this writing here?" "That is Japanese name Fujinami Katsundo and the date, twenty-fifth year of Meiji, twelfth month." Tanaka had turned over the photograph and was looking attentively at the portrait. "The honoured father of Ladyship, I think," he said. "Yes," said Asako.

"What?" he exploded in one of those fits of rage common to old men in Japan; "give the daughter of the elder branch to a butler, to a man whose father ran between rickshaw shafts. If the spirit of Katsundo has not heard this foolish talk it would be a good thing for us. Already there is a bad ingé. By doing such a thing it will become worse and worse, until the whole house of Fujinami is ruined.