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"Before time, come prenty whaleship my place," he said. "I know geograffy, mappee, grammal. I know Egyptee, Indee, all country; I know Bufflobillee. Before time, whaleship come America for take water and wood. Stay two, t'ree week. Every night sailor come ashore catchee girls take ship. Prenty rum, biskit, molassi, good American tobbacee. Now all finish. Whaleship no more. That is not good."

"Kashmir my house," he replied. "You live in Kashmir?" "Yes; you go Indee, sergeant?" "No, I've never been." "No go Indee?" "Not yet." "Indee very good English very good Turk, finish!" With a sudden jerk and a rattle of chains our water-cart mules pulled out on the trail again and the ghostly figure with its well-folded turban and gleaming white teeth was left behind.

"Gunga, Johnnie?" I asked, remembering the name of the sacred river Ganges from Kipling's "Kim." "No Gunga, sa'b Mahommedie, me." "You go Benares, Johnnie?" "No Benares." "Mecca?" "Mokka, yes; afterwards me go Mokka." "After the war you going to Mokka, Johnnie?" "Yes; Indee, France here Indee back again then Mokka." "You been to France, Johnnie?" "Yes, sa'b." "You know Kashmir, Johnnie?"

"I'll see to that, Miss Christian, ma'am," shouted Crow over his shoulder. "His honour's studdying a bit too hard that's what he is. But a gentleman's not much use if his wife's a widow, as the man said eh? Looking well enough yourself, though, Miss Christian, ma'am. Getting younger every day, in fact. I'll have to be fetching that East Indee capt'n up yet. I will that. Ha! ha! Get on, Boxer!"