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Updated: August 5, 2024
"Tarnal death to me!" said he, rubbing his eyes when Nathan shook him from his slumbers, "I war nigh gone in a dead snooze! being as how I ar'n't had a true reggelar mouthful of snortin' this h'yar no-time, considering I always took it with my hoptical peepers right open. But, I say, Nathan, what's the last news from the abbregynes and anngelliferous madam?"
It is evident you take me for a bummer, but see," and plunging his hand in his pocket he pulled it out full of gold. "Kindly understand I'm somebody," he went on, "and that I'm staying at one of the biggest hotels in the town." "I'm damned if I know what to make of you," the man muttered, "unless you're a hoptical delusion!"
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