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"Oh, I have played so often in private theatricals; I have even quite a collection of little pots of color, hare's-feet stumps, pencils, et cetera." "Ah! you have, you rascal! Are you going to the fancy ball at the Embassy to-morrow?" "Yes, aunt; and you, are you going in character?" "One must, since every one else will. They say the effect will be splendid."

"Oh, I have played so often in private theatricals; I have even quite a collection of little pots of color, hare's-feet stumps, pencils, et cetera." "Ah! you have, you rascal! Are you going to the fancy ball at the Embassy to-morrow?" "Yes, aunt; and you, are you going in character?" "One must, since every one else will. They say the effect will be splendid."

There was a toilet-table, covered with little pots of grease and paint, and well-worn pads and hare's-feet, and vast stores of hairpins, besides a quantity of rings and jewels of great value, all lying together in bowls in the midst of the confusion. A tall mirror stood on one side, with wing mirrors on hinges, and bunches of lamps that could be moved about.

"Oh, I have played so often in private theatricals; I have even quite a collection of little pots of color, hare's-feet stumps, pencils, et cetera." "Ah! you have, you rascal! Are you going to the fancy ball at the Embassy to-morrow?" "Yes, aunt; and you, are you going in character?" "One must, since every one else will. They say the effect will be splendid."