United States or Moldova ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Let's stay where we are and watch." After what seemed like a long time, however, a twinkle of lights showed over the East Konk Mountains. They weren't the flashes of explosions; some were magnesium flares, and some were the lights of a ship. "That's Procyon, from Grank," he said. "Everybody gets a good mark for this detection stations, interceptors, gun-cutters.

"Well, we have three hundred-and-fifty-foot gun-cutters, one 90-mm. apiece. The Elmoran, the Gaucho, and the Bushranger. But they're not much as transports, and we need them here pretty badly. Then, we have five fertilizer and charcoal scows, and a lot of heavy transport lorries, and two one-eighty-foot pickup boats." "How about the Piet Joubert?" von Schlichten asked.

The three gun-cutters, Elmoran, Gaucho and Bushranger, and about fifty big freight lorries converted to bombers, were shuttling back and forth between the island and the city. The Royal Palace was on fire from end to end, and the entire waterfront and industrial district were in flames. Combat-cars and air jeeps were diving in to shell and rocket and machine-gun streets and buildings.

Does Your Majesty know that he has recruited the Security Guard up to at least ten times the strength needed to meet any conceivable peace-maintenance problem on this planet, and that he has been piling up huge quantities of heavy combat equipment guns up to 200-millimeter, heavy contragravity, even gun-cutters and bomb-and-rocket boats?