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The boat was now made fast, and the conspirators hastened to the field of Gruetli, where, at the mouth of a cavern of the same name, Arnold and Walter Fuerst awaited them, each with ten other companions. Tell allowed no consideration of natural feeling to silence the calls of duty, but at once came to the point.

Many hours were thus consumed; and, when their weapons were at last distributed, they both returned to Stauffacher's house, snatched some slight refreshment, and then sped on their way to Gruetli, accompanied by ten of their most tried adherents. The lake of Lucerne was soon reached, and a boat procured.

I leave Schwytz to bid Werner arm his canton: let Melchthal go to Stautz and prepare the men of Unterwalden for the outbreak; having done this, let him meet me, with Fuerst and Werner, in the field of Gruetli!" Arnold, scarcely taking time to refresh himself with food, sent Walter on his homeward journey, while he started for Stautz.

Tell, meantime, loaded with irons, gazed with eager eye on the desert rocks of Gruetli, where the day before he had planned with his friends for the deliverance of his country. While painful thoughts crossed his mind, his looks were attracted by a dim light which burst forth near his own house. Presently this light increased, and before long a blaze arose visible all over Uri.