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Not at Breakem's bank, for they're brewers, and hosiers, and chandlers, and horse-dealers ay, and swindlers too, the whole 'company' on 'em; not in mortgages, for I hate the very smell of a lawyer, with all his pounce and parchment; not in Gover'me't 'nuities, for I'm an old 'ooman, boy; and not in the Three per Cents, nor any other per cents, for I've sense enough to know that my highest interest lies in counting out, as my first principle is dropping in."

"You can't live without something to eat and now winter is coming you'll need a house to live in. You haven't even a tent." "The Gover'me't don't give un to us. The Gover'me't folks don't care what becomes o' we." "How are you going to take care of these children this winter?" asked Grenfell. "You can't feed them and without clothing they'll freeze. Let us take them with us.

Not at Breakem's bank, for they're brewers, and hosiers, and chandlers, and horse-dealers ay, and swindlers too, the whole 'company' on 'em; not in mortgages, for I hate the very smell of a lawyer, with all his pounce and parchment; not in Gover'me't 'nuities, for I'm an old 'ooman, boy; and not in the Three per Cents, nor any other per cents, for I've sense enough to know that my highest interest lies in counting out, as my first principle is dropping in."