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Updated: November 22, 2024
This is a comparatively rare injury in the horse because of the protection afforded the femur by the heavy musculature. Fragilitas of the bone probably exists in many cases when fracture of its diaphysis occurs. It is generally conceded that the neck of the femur is rarely broken because of a lack of constriction in this part, but fracture of the trochanters has been recorded rather frequently.
The lesions in the bones resulting from actinomycosis and from mycetoma, have been described with these diseases. These include rickets, scurvy-rickets, osteomalacia, ostitis deformans, osteomyelitis fibrosa, fragilitas ossium, and diseases of the nervous system. Rickets or rachitis is a constitutional disease associated with disturbance of nutrition, and attended with changes in the skeleton.
#Osteogenesis Imperfecta#, #Fragilitas Ossium#, or #Congenital Osteopsathyrosis#. These terms are used to describe a condition in which an undue fragility of the bones dates from intra-uterine life. It may occur in several members of the same family.
If destruction of any part of the articular surfaces can be prevented and the patient allowed ample time for complete resolution of the affected parts to occur, permanent relief is possible. Fracture of the Proximal Sesamoids. Etiology and Occurrence. Fracture of the proximal sesamoid bones is caused by violent strain when there exists fragilitas osseum, or by contusions.
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