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Updated: January 2, 2025
"Your son, Andrew Jackson?" "Uh-huh. He's somewheres 'round, I reckon. I see him lickin' a nigger a few minutes ago. Say, that boy's come out to be the fightenest feller I ever did see. Him allowin' he got that there Injun, day we had the fight down on the Platte, it just made a new man out'n him. 'Fore long he whupped a teamster that got sassy with him.
He's the fightenest man in Breathitt when his blood's up." "All right, dear," said Miss Fletcher, with a soothing hand on the hot brow; "he shall do as he likes." During that long night the girl passed from one paroxysm of pain to another with brief intervals of drug-induced sleep.
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