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Didymus, with a mournful smile, kissed her grey hair and shouted into her left ear, which was a little less deaf than the other: "How young you are still, wife!" The tempest swept howling from the north across the island of Pharos, and the shallows of Diabathra in the great harbour of Alexandria.

Didymus, with a mournful smile, kissed her grey hair and shouted into her left ear, which was a little less deaf than the other: "How young you are still, wife!" The tempest swept howling from the north across the island of Pharos, and the shallows of Diabathra in the great harbour of Alexandria.

Didymus, with a mournful smile, kissed her grey hair and shouted into her left ear, which was a little less deaf than the other: "How young you are still, wife!" The tempest swept howling from the north across the island of Pharos, and the shallows of Diabathra in the great harbour of Alexandria.

Melissa added, eagerly, "It is already near the Diabathra. It will reach the Alveus Steganus in a moment, and pass the pharos." "But yonder is the morning star in the heavens, and the fire is still blazing on the tower," interrupted her brother. "Not till it has been extinguished will they open the outside chain. And yet that ship is steering in a northwesterly direction.

He stopped here suddenly and gazed anxiously at the sea, which was no longer completely obscured by the vanishing shadows of night. Melissa looked in the direction of his pointing hand, and when he cried with great excitement, "That is no little boat, it is a ship, and a large one, too!" Melissa added, eagerly, "It is already near the Diabathra.

He stopped here suddenly and gazed anxiously at the sea, which was no longer completely obscured by the vanishing shadows of night. Melissa looked in the direction of his pointing hand, and when he cried with great excitement, "That is no little boat, it is a ship, and a large one, too!" Melissa added, eagerly, "It is already near the Diabathra.