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Tons of uranium residues have to be treated in order to obtain a few decigrammes of pure salts of radium. Radium is characterised by a special spectrum, and its atomic weight, as determined by Madame Curie, is 225; it is consequently the higher homologue of barium in one of the groups of Mendeléef.

Is it not a fact that the greatest inventors and scientists of our time Marconi, who gave to the world wireless telegraphy, Professor Curie, who discovered radium, Pasteur, who found a cure for rabies, Santos-Dumont, who has almost succeeded in navigating the air, Professor Röntgen who discovered the X-ray are not all these immortals Europeans?

For a number of years Langley had published in his Smithsonian Reports the revolutionary papers that foretold the overthrow of nineteenth-century dogma, and among the first was the famous address of Sir William Crookes on psychical research, followed by a series of papers on Roentgen and Curie, which had steadily driven the scientific lawgivers of Unity into the open; but Karl Pearson was the first to pen them up for slaughter in the schools.

I have been asked to tell how the story of The Log-Cabin Lady came to be written. At a luncheon given at the Colony Club in 1920, I was invited to talk about Madame Curie. There were, at that table, a group of important women.